Saturday, September 19, 2009

Terror State

The recent rise of ceasefire violations by Pakistan. Amidst these violations by the Pakistan Rangers and Pakistan Army there is he rise in attempted infiltrations from across the border. There is a definite connection between these two incidences. This connection leaves no doubt about the parties involved in these infiltration attempts. There has been ample evidence collected over the years to link Pakistan with Terrorism.Therefore there is no denial that Pakistan is a terror state. Pakistan is trying to destabilize India and none of it is a secret to the Government of Pakistan.In fact these operations have cooperation of the Pakistan government.

India has over the years ignored terrorism from Pakistan, but there comes a time when we need to step out of old into the new.This is the time when we can no longer ignore such transgressions by our terrorist neighbors.Pakistan is a failed state and is trying to ensure India becomes one too.

It is now time that we start dishing out to Pakistan what we have been getting from them. I am not saying that we should get involved in terrorism and start attacking Pakistani civilians.What I am saying is that India is well aware of Pakistani terrorist training camps. We should use this information to selectively target these terror camps in Pakistan to destroy these terror camps and the terrorists in making inside these camps. Leniency with these terrorists is something India can no longer afford if it wishes to maintain its safety, economy, honor, and territorial integrity. Pakistan will just talk about war against terror to get aid from USA which will further be directed against India and not the terrorists. Pakistan has vested interests in maintaining the terror infrastructure on its land so as to use it as proxy war against India. The nuclear weapons of Pakistan prevent India from attacking Pakistan or the terror camps in Pakistan.Therefore they will never dismantle the terror infrastructure, in fact it will protect these terrorists from any overt Indian action by using the threat of its nuclear arsenal. Pakistan is not at all interested in combating terror. So its time we launch proxy war of our own against the terrorists in Pakistan as well as Pakistani armed forces which are helping the terrorists. India should use the guise of terrorists to destroy terror institutions in Pakistan. Pakistan has learned well that when one cannot fight a overt war they should use covert methods like terrorism.Its time we use their tactics on them.
Some people may disagree with me that we should not get down to their level or we should take the moral high ground or we should not get violent or such things. These things may look good in books but in real life it is survival of the fittest, smartest, most intelligent and cunning beings.Remember that to cut a diamond or to polish it we require a diamond tipped knife, or to use a Hindi saying,' Lohe ko Loha katta hai'(Metal cuts Metal). Use terror to fight terror.If there is no India to than what shall be the use such moral high grounds. We have tried the friendly approach with Pakistan but it seems Pakistanis not interested in peace. While I am against fighting there are sometimes where it becomes necessary. Looking at Hindu mythology neither Ram nor the Pandavas could avoid it. Sometimes it becomes necessary for future peace. India has reached appoint where even India could no longer avoid a fight. It is high time India stops going around begging nations to help and starts getting aggressive, starts showing Pakistan that messing with India is no longer an option. No amount of diplomacy will help.Only covert operations will. Tackle this terror state that just happens to be our neighbor.

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